NEW SHOES (New Victory Theater) – Sunday, November 10, 2024 @ 10:00am

 Registration is closed for this event

New experiences, new seasons, New Shoes! Through playful puppetry and Spanish folk song, tender storyteller Tian Gombau unboxes the tale of young Tracalet, who discovers the people and places of his hometown while on a journey to enjoy a piece of cake. With each step and every encounter, he learns and grows a little more, because—big or small—we never stop growing.

For ages 2 - 5
Puppetry; clever and gentle
35 Minutes with no intermission

November 10th, 2024 from 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
The New 42nd Street Studios (New Victory Theater)
229 West 42nd Street
bet. 7th & 8th Avenues - just West of The New Victory Theater
New York, NY 10036
Voice: 212-740-3087
Ticket Price
# of Tickets $15.00