ZAPHYR (New Victory Theater) – Saturday, April 8 @ 2:00pm

 Registration is closed for this event

Throwing all caution to the wind, the adrenaline-driven daredevils of Cirque Mechanics (42FT, 2019) are back with an all-new mechanical masterpiece: a 20-foot-tall windmill powered by sheer strength! Set on a rotating turntable, there’s practically nothing in Zephyr  that won’t spin—including your head—as acrobats brazenly balance atop the windmill’s blades and fearlessly face the Wheel of Destiny. A turbine tug of war between man, nature and machine, Zephyr is a whirlwind of circus that’ll blow you away.

April 8th, 2023 from  2:00 PM to  3:00 PM
New Victory Theater
209 West 42nd Street
bet. 7th & 8th Avenues
New York, NY 10036
Voice: 212-740-3087
Ticket Price
# of Tkts $25.00